Ethar Relief condemns abuse against children.


Humanitarians stand strong against all forms of oppression, abuse and violence 

An article recently published in the UK and the International press has highlighted numerous abuses alleged to have taken place in traditional Quran learning schools in Sudan. The report, which has been followed up with a televised documentary, has shocked and appalled us at Ethar Relief. As humanitarian leaders in the refugee crisis in Eastern Sudan, we care very deeply about the people we serve, especially the children within those communities, and abhor any abuses towards them. 

Ethar Relief is an experienced provider supporting a large network of schools in East Sudan. No school supported by Ethar is the subject of any previous or ongoing investigation of any kind, and all schools within the Ethar support network are run according to internationally established best practices. 

Schools supported by Ethar are subject to rigorous procedures which include regular unannounced inspections, specific risk assessments, vetting, training, safeguarding, safety and security considerations. Ethar Relief has a zero-tolerance approach to behaviours by any individual which may compromise safety and wellbeing. 

The recent media reports serve as a reminder to all humanitarians to stay proactive and prepared to act decisively against any abuses, wherever and whenever they occur. 

Notes to editors 

Ethar Relief is a UK-registered charity established to help refugees, displaced and disadvantaged people in the Horn of Africa. It was set up more than a decade ago by former refugees from Eritrea who grew up in the refugee camps of East Sudan. The charity's primary aim is to bring an end to the suffering that exists in these places. Ethar also advocates for refugees and raises awareness of refugee issues on a global platform. 

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